

So you lowered your van, that's cute.....

Been quite some time since any of us have entered a blog. I figure, why not some Delica's doing unusual things. Like fording rivers....

Or maybe Mitsubishi themselves showing off it's climbing ability. Where's THIS at the American autoshows? Give Jeep a run for it's money guys....
Although parking seems to be an issue at times.

And a little old school for the...ahem...trail.....Later!


Readers Rides #1

This is a historic moment! First time I have compiled some wagon owners pics for a blog post that we didn't have to go!!!!
Please enjoy and submit more to us!
Ben's VL Wagon
Chris's Foresster

Brian's extra chromey xB engine

Emma's Wagonvan

Bobby's Legacy looking all raw

Joshua's Hiace
James's Foresster

Daniel's Daihatsu Move with friend
Izzy's Accord wagon
Francios Matrix
Mike's Foresster
Nice rides guys!


Neat little Kei

I admit I can't remember what this is called (There's so many little vans like this one in Japan), But it sure looks good and pulls off the bootleg ISF inspired exhaust pipes nicely....I'll just let the pics do the talking...


Toyota Hiace

Super awesome custom!
 Would like to see the moonroofs on this
I really have to drop a couple more photos of this...

Garson + Noah =

A boatload of bling!!!!

It was a style not more than a few years ago...

 This person pretty much threw the Garson catalog at this Noah
 Even the Headliner got the DAD logo. TV also from Garson....

 Funny I find the headlight the most intersting.....

There's no excuse for not noticing a van like this